WarmerShoulder, the 3-dimensional smart textile shoulder cap, is seamlessly produced all in one piece and perfectly covers the shoulder to offer the ultimate comforting warmth. WarmerShoulder weighs only 88g without a slim power bank. The lightness, and elasticity of WarmerShoulder, together with the suspender design allow movement in most directions. It gently warms your shoulder which involves several joints that combine with tendons and muscles. The heat helps to relax tense muscles and soothe a stiff shoulder. It can help with muscle pain and arthritis on the shoulder.
「肩暖護帶」立體無縫纖薄方案配合智能針織專利,能全方位覆蓋肩膊,以自設柔溫舒緩肩周不適,改善血液循環,消除疲勞及肌肉緊張;只有88克,毫無負擔, 無阻日常活動。
Hong Kong Smart Design Awards. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.
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