
Product Name:
1.618 The Golden Ratio Paperclip

Applicant Company:
Yuan Design Studio


Product Group:
Office Supplies & Stationery

Designer: Ken LAM 林子豐

Outstanding Packaging Award

Paperclip is almost the lightest stationery that we usually use, so 1.618 φ is designed in a moderate and portable size for users. By combining paperclip with the Golden Rectangle, Circle and Triangle, 1.618 φ becomes a handy tool that guides your designs or artworks to a more aesthetically-pleasing result, just like the Rule of Thirds grid in camera which helps improving the composition and balance of images. The Golden Ratio is a helpful tool for artistic composition. Even though it is not a rigid framework that must be adhered to, it helps to bring harmony and natural elegance by incorporating it in our design. Applying the visual Golden Ratio into paperclip l bookmark is to embody the beauty of the God's masterpiece that is further than numbers. 1.618 φ can always remind you to take a moment to observe the beautiful things in the world, you may find inspiration is everywhere.

黃金比例φ 1.618 也是十分經典的數學常數。這一串數字自古以來被視為美的代名詞,我們能從達文西的維特魯威人、帕德嫩神殿、艾菲爾鐵塔、鸚鵡螺貝殼、宇宙中的螺旋星系發現它的蹤跡,黃金比例存在於藝術、建築、設計、自然,乃至於我們的日常中,路邊植物的葉序都有那美麗的軌跡!黃金比例迴紋針不僅是文具小物,它更像是一個象徵,提醒著我們別忘了在急速的生活中,要記得欣賞大自然的巧奪天工,以及經典建築和藝術中的美學價值。黃金比例迴紋針非常輕巧且便於攜帶,不僅能作為書籤,也能成為審美的輔助工具,如同相機的網格線能協助拍攝的三分法構圖,尋找設計上和生活中的黃金比例。一套迴紋針有三種造型,黃金三角、圓形和矩形,並有由不鏽鋼製成的噴沙霧面亞黑款和以黃銅製成的亮面純白款2種對比顏色可以選擇,亮面白款的塗層經時間的洗禮,逐漸露出裡頭優雅的黃銅色,白黃交錯的顏色交織出一種巧妙的美感。


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