Categories & Product groups
There are 14 product groups for you to choose from when entering products in the competition. These cover the entire product range.
Corporate Group
Toys & Games Category
Gifts Category
Home & Houseware Category
Conceptual Group
The product theme is [Gifts], [Home & Houseware] and [Toys & Games]
Selection Criteria
Gifts and Home & Houseware
- Showing strong sales potential.
- Developing new market and/or new target group.
- Illustrating strong project management skills.
- Price and quality competitiveness.
- User experience - perceptions of the product on utility, ease of use and efficiency during or after interaction with the product.
- Solving user pain point and increasing user-friendliness.
- Fulfilling all requirements of handling, usability, safety, and maintenance.
- Visualization of intended use.
- Showing design originality and product differentiation.
- Special features/product material/technology that enhances the desirability, and often the appraisal value.
- Unique message and design value of the product that enhance user satisfaction and benefit.
- Generating Intellectual Property value (utility, design patent).
- Choice of materials, texture, finishing.
- Form and shape, graphics, colors, surprise element.
- Point-of-sales and packaging.
Toys & Games
- Showing strong sales potential.
- Developing new market and/or new target group.
- Illustrating strong project management skills.
- Price and quality competitiveness.
- Packaging Point-of-sales and packaging.
Play Value & Education Value
- Fun and engaging element.
- Encourage users’ involvement.
- Learning through play to develop a particular skill or subject.
- User experience - perceptions of the product on utility, ease of use and efficiency during or after interaction with the product.
- Showing design originality.
- Special features/product material/technology that enhances the desirability, and often the appraisal value.
- Unique message and design value of the product that enhance user satisfaction and benefit.
- Generating intellectual property value (utility, design patent).
- Choice of materials, texture, finishing.
- Form and shape, graphics, colors, surprise element.